
To achieve greatness, you need time, effort, resources, and most importantly, a system. GcPARTM was designed with simplicity, flexibility and completeness in mind to provide you a framework of managing work and life. GcPARTM is not about time management but life management.

The GcPARTM trademark was developed by the author - JM Pang from the abbreviation of Gather, Check, Plan, Act, and Review. Each letter in the trademark signifies one critical process in personal productivity.

Our Signature Workshop for the Corporate

How much does an unmotivated or disengaged employee cost you? 34% of his/her salary! (Source:

Unmotivated employees cost the organization a fortune. Our workshops are tailored to the current work environment that demands high efficiency employees.

If you are a people manager, engineer, accountant, entrepreneur etc. who feels that you can do more, contribute more and deserve more, this is for you!

GcPARTM Yellow Belt

In this course, participants will be introduced with the core concepts of GcPAR (an abbreviation for Gather-Check-Plan-Act-Review) and how to maximize their efficiency at work.

GcPARTM Green Belt

This takes GcPAR system to the next level where participants will be super-charged with energy and deep desire to sail through company/personal tough times and get stuff done!

For the workshops above, please contact us to find out more.

Book Launched!

ISBN-10: 1726450384ISBN-13: 978-1726450386

Have you ever felt unmotivated or are you constantly busy firefighting at work? Do you feel lost and live on autopilot, whereas people around you consistently achieve their goals and breakthroughs?

It's time to get back in the driver's seat of your life now!

In this concise and powerful book, JM Pang reveals a procrastinator’s approach to work and life which ultimately led him to a lifestyle filled with passion, success and freedom. This book illustrates the system and workflow to take control of one’s day-to-day tasks, life purpose, and everything in-between.

Get your copies now at Amazon or fill in the order form here and get it shipped for *FREE to Malaysia.

The GcPARTM Workbook

The ultimate guide to GcPAR workflow.

It can be used as a standalone guide or as a workbook to accompany our corporate workshops.

Fill in the order form here.

*1 Shipping cost to Malaysia is priced at MYR 0.00 for the first 100 ordered copies.